We started our morning as early as usual, at 7 am, and breakfast followed at 8 am. We had some mango juice, eggs with veggies, salami, mango, toast, and fried cheese. At 8:45 am, we left for the Los Higos community for the last time. When we arrived, we were surprised by the number of members who came to help. After 3 hours of working which included shoveling, mixing cement, and painting, we stopped to have some lunch. For lunch, we had rice with veggies, chicken in cream sauce, pasta salad with tuna, soy meat, and watermelon. We also had mango juice for the second time. We quickly went back to work after an hour, but we were able to get our energy back up after a small pep talk. We worked on putting up the swing set and painting it. We gave the community members a thank you letter as appreciation. As a surprise, we got ice cream as a celebration of our hard work. At around 5:00 pm, we took some time in the gazebo to self-reflect on our past CAP days. At 7:00 pm, we had burgers, fries, and soda for dinner along with pineapple for fruit. We had a very entertaining nightly meeting where we passed the torch to the next LDDs. Then at 8:30 pm, the gazebo turned into a karaoke and face mask station with lights out at 10 pm.