Today we started the day by eating an energized breakfast at 8 am that contained bread, cheese, mac & cheese, hot chocolate, and strawberry juice. Then at 9 am, we started our last seminar, it was an emotional seminar where we did many activities to reflect on our experiences over the past two weeks. We all opened up and participated in showing our feelings about the trip. Then we had our final lunch cooked by the one and only Chef Ursula, where we ate rice with peas, beef, arepitas, steamed vegetables, green salad, strawberry juice, and passion fruit iced tea.

Later we had a brief free time to get ready to go to the town and explore and buy our last souvenirs in 3 hours. Then we returned to the base house to shower and get ready for the final DELICIOUS DINNER where we went to a pizzeria ate many different kinds of pizza and drank coke and merengue soda. After dinner, we had a very delicious dessert which consisted of chocolate cake and dulce de leche cake. Then we returned back to the base house and did the last nightly meeting, it was very emotional, tears were shed, and big loves and hugs were given ❤. It was a very beautiful day and we will miss everyone. Thank you Global Glimpse for this very impactful and heartfelt experience.