July 11, 2013
Hey everyone! This is Aditi an Monique. Today, we were honored to be the leaders of the day. It was the first day of executing the community action project. The project includes painting a preschool classroom and creating a garden for the whole school. The school that we’re working at is called La Escuela Perfecta e Perez.
The day started out a little rough but with the help of our team, we were able to begin the project. The first step we took to start our project was buying the materials. We were split into two groups. One group handled the garden project and the other group handled the classroom project. The garden group removed all of the debris in the garden area and they also removed the metal roof. The classroom group accomplished their first goal of cleaning the walls and painting the base coat.
Today, we learned that teamwork is essential to cooperation and communication. Seeing everyone working together was a wonderful experience. We were surprised about how much work we got done without everyone’s participation. We are proud of accomplishing our goals for today. Being El Lider Del Dia was challenging at first because it was hard to make decisions for the group overall but we improved our leadership skills throughout the day. Today, we learned how to be patient and cooperative. Our overall day was awesome!
Such hard work going on and smiling while they’re at it… It’s a beautiful thing that you all are doing! Keep up the good work, Aditi and Monique – great blog today… Loved the pictures… Can’t wait to see the group come home tomorrow night! Safe Travels everyone!
Hi Lexie…. can’t wait to see you tomorrow!
Patty Jones- Lexie’s Mom