Temple of Leon Cathedral

Hello Families! Today is Thursday, 3 July and it’s our first, full day here in Leon and we had a lot going on. Shiloh, our other GG Leader, led us through two academic seminars and our in-country coordinators, Chris and Judith, took us on an afternoon tour of the city.

Our students were encouraged to role play parts of the lesson.

Our students were encouraged to role play parts of the lesson.

One of the places we visited was a museum dedicated to the Nicaraguan revolutions that eventually deposed dictators and US-backed contras and set up a popularly-elected government that is still in power today. Though the museum was modest, it was obvious that the folks running the museum still feel a strong connection to the revolution. In fact, we were introduced to a few veterans who happened to be at the museum.

The museum may have been small, but it left an indelible mark.

The museum may have been small, but it left an indelible mark.


The docents were enthusiastic and informative. They even introduced us to veterans of the Revolution.

The docents were enthusiastic and informative. They even introduced us to veterans of the Revolution.

After the museum we visited the Leon Cathedral, a dedicated UNESCO World Heritage site, known for its architecture and a series of paintings on the inside. We got the chance to wander about and even searched for the “three eyes”–three eyes placed throughout the interior of the cathedral. Anyone who finds all three is said to have good luck and is encouraged to make a wish.

The cathedral is in the background. This photo was actually taken from the roof of the Revolution museum.

The cathedral is in the background. This photo was actually taken from the roof of the Revolution museum.

Important as it is globally, the cathedral is also a final resting place for many people who have had an impact on Leon.

Important as it is globally, the cathedral is also a final resting place for many people who have had an impact on Leon.

On our way from the cathedral, we experienced more of Leon’s weather in the form of a sudden thunderstorm. We took shelter in a nearby ice cream shop/arcade and passed the time enjoying some frozen treats.

Avoiding the rain and snacking on ice cream was the highlight of the day for many.

Avoiding the rain and snacking on ice cream was the highlight of the day for many.

We wrapped up our night with a discussion on the connections between violence, history, and politics in Nicaragua based on what we had learned in seminar and touring the city. Tomorrow we’ll visit some local schools and learn how Nicaraguans learn, and to mark the 4th of July in the US we’ll share in a special treat for dinner. More on that later! Thank you again for all your support and we’ll see you soon.