QD: Which person or activity made a great  impact on you this trip and why?

Today began at 2am local time in Nicaragua. Most of us stayed up all night, wether it be because of excitement or just savoring the last few hours in country. Our morning started with  the loading of the bus and a two hour bus ride to Managua where we had  some donuts  for breakfast and grabbed our boarding passes for the trip home. We then gave our bittersweet goodbyes to Norman and Asha before passing  through our first security checkpoint. We then proceeded to our first flight to Miami.  Upon arrival we had to pass through customs and get our luggage dropped off again before our five hour lay over. Once through, there was a mad dash for food     and a group nap in the terminal for most, while others passed the time with games, music, and charging of the electrical devices. We then had a five hour flight home. Energy was high and nerves on end  because time seemed to pass slow. When we arrived we  where welcomed by our family and friends. This concluded our amazing three weeks in Nicaragua,.Thank you to all the parents who read along with the blog and stayed involved with your kids

In conclusion what impacted me the most was  how thankful  my  English students were.