Question of the Day: Why does education play an important role in the globalized world and how can it benefit the young people from developing countries?

Biblioteca La Chispa

With that in mind, we visited 2 wonderful schools today.  The first was Biblioteca La Chispa which is essentially a library in one of the poorest neighborhoods where children come to get help with homework, use the computers for internet research or have all sorts of fun with activities like art and dance.  Our group eagerly jumped right in, showing off their special talents and making personal connections with the precious children, even if we couldn’t understand a word they were saying!  They were super sweet and made most of our “rose” for the day.




English School


After lunch, we took a long walk cross-town to another school referred to as the English Center (getting drenched by a sudden shower along the way).  The American Embassy provides funding for a specially selected group of students to excel in English.  These kids were about the same age as our group and only had one year of this English program, but they were so good!  Most of them didn’t know we were coming today and had to give presentations in front of our whole group.  They did amazingly well.  Afterwards, we broke into groups so that we could get to know them more personally.  It was great to hear their stories and share about our own lives in the United States.


On our way home, we took river street which, as the name implies, follows along the major driver that flows through town.  Norman explained that when it was discovered, people described that it was “wide enough to carry Christopher Columbus’ ship”.  It carries a lot of water which unfortunately is very polluted with garbage and probably other contamination.  We were happy to find a spaghetti dinner ready for us when we got home.  Now we’re off to bed – 5:30 wake up call tomorrow!