Today’s blog was written by our Líderes del Día: Cameron and Crystal

Adventure day is the 6th day on our trip in Constanza. We woke up at 7:30 and enjoyed a hearty breakfast of plantains with onions, fried eggs, and carrot and beet juice. Instead of taking the usual bus with a roof we took a new form of transportation…a safari truck! It was an adventurous experience and we all were up for the challenge.

After about an hour of bumpy roads, we reached the Nature Reserve, Ebano Verde Reserva. There, we played some games and learned about the plants and animals in the reserve. After a light snack we started the hike. On the hike, we saw giant ferns and dragonflies.


Playing an energizer game before our hike.

Getting an introduction on the natural preserve before our hike.


After the hike, we ate bagged sandwiches prepared by our hostel host, for lunch at the reserve. Then we headed to a waterfall where everyone got the chance to swim, play cards and relax around the river, and take cute photos on our polaroid cameras. Some of us even took a dive off into the cool, refreshing water. Anthony even took a front flip and impressed us all!

After drying off in the sun and changing out of our wet bathing suits, we packed back into the trucks and headed towards El Divino Nino. On the ride, we passed by our hotel, our Community Action Project (CAP) school, and the landfill we will be visiting tomorrow. Unfortunately, Cameron’s hat flew away due to the gusty wind. El Divino Nino is located at the top of a mountain. Its defining feature is the giant statue of a baby Jesus located at the tippy top of a pink altar. There, you can observe a beautiful view of Constanza, light candles, and buy souvenirs!

Carissa, Junie, Roxane and John, our Leadership team!


We then came back to Hotel Dilenia and worked on our CAP projects. We planned the budget in our divided groups in order to get the most done. The garden group worked on the various parts of the project. Charlotte worked very hard on the budget while the rest worked on creating a poster and blueprint of the overall project. The mural group worked on their own posters and sketches so that we can ultimately present it to the community the next day. For dinner we had mashed potatoes with carrots, as well as fried chicken and corn. To wrap up our day, we finished with a nightly meeting and passed our torch to the next leader. Overall the experience and day as a whole was challenging and fun for us and we learned about ourselves both as leaders and as Glimpsers. We look forward to continuing the learning and fun experiences ahead of us!

-Cameron and Crystal

Crystal and Cameron, our leaders of the day with John, one of our program coordinators!