Question of the day: How can a sustainable community project really make an impact in the lives of people with many needs and lack of resources?
Las Hormiguitas is an organization that works with children who work at the market. They try to get the children to school, offer after school tutoring, sports classes, art classes and much more. They educate and empower children who come from negative households. We were very fortunate to meet the director and promoters of this organization who inspired us to create a positive impact with our community action project.
We brainstormed ideas in our afternoon seminar to benefit the Las Hormiguitas. Some of our amazing ideas include a garden, painting murals, and construction.
Many of the glimpsers spent their free time going out into stores and buying a lot of processed food. Many of us wanted more than just gallo pinto, so candy and ice cream hit the spot.
Everyone went online to send emails to their families.
(NOTE TO PARENTS: Glimpsers will call home on Sunday, so make sure your phone is close by around 2pm California time.)
Our second day of English classes went extremely well! Everyone has a lot of fun and enjoyed their class even more!
Lights out at 10:30! I had an awesome day being ELDD and would definitely love to be leader of the day again, if I could….
p.s I miss you, mom and dad. I love you 🙂
It is so fantastic following along with what you all are doing each day. We look forward to checking the blog each night after dinner. Carmina – we love and miss you!!!!
It’s nice to see u Emily. I can’t wait for your phone call tomorrow. Take care and be safe. We miss u so much. I love u.
Goodmorning everyone! we’re so looking forward to you calling on Sunday Kalia – by the way we read the blogs everyday 🙂
Emily que bueno que la estes pasando super disfruta tu paseo I love you
Can’t wait for the call. Need to put it on speaker so Knight can hear Parkers voice. His dog misses him as much as I do. Rosie says Hi Parker…..She looked at the pictures. Miss you bunches. 🙂 mom