Hey everyone!! Today has been a day like no other. There was a extreme last minute change in Leader of the Day due to the original leader becoming very ill with a fever.(He’s better now lol) We volunteered to serve and were named leaders of the day at 12:30 am in the morning. Although we weren’t very prepared for this due to last minute changes, we managed to carry our team through a successful and fun day. Our day was a fairly early one today with wake up call being at 6:30 am. Everyone was off to a slow start making us 15 minutes late to breakfast. For breakfast we were served eggs with Gallo Pinto and some chips. Though the morning was tough, we managed to get right back on schedule after eating our delicious breakfast. After doing an energizing energizer, we boarded our private bus to visit La Escuela El Platana. There we socialized with children from ages 4 to 15 and the staff, all a very  positive experience. While there, many of us took detailed notes of possible CAP projects to execute. After our visit to the school, we headed back to our hostel where we had a female guest speaker who talked about ways she helped the community by making substantial projects. Then we exchanged our currency. Following that, we had an hour of free time where many of us took the time to nap. We prepared for English class and thought our class from 6 pm to 8 pm. We then had our daily nightly meetings and headed to bed at 10 pm.

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