Hello everyone,

This is Mikey and Louie speaking and overall Today we collectively worked extremely hard and diligently towards a beautiful and meaningful cause, today we woke up extremely early…the type of early that’s excruciating. But nonetheless, we knew what we were doing today had a drastic impact on not just the environment, but specifically on the several turtle species native to Panama. We ate breakfast then we immediately headed out to the turtle nursery, Scott, the leader of the #savetheturtles in Panama had some fortunate news for us, he found 123 turtle eggs! This was a perfect opportunity for us to be able to have a truly life-changing event, we got to nurse the turtles. We made a shelter for the eggs so that they were well protected and cared for. After the group split up into 3 separate sections which consisted of working to create a butterfly garden in the rainforest that was neighboring the beach, as well as making the turtle nest covers, and helping to get rocks and logs so that we could improve the wall that was set in order to protect the nursery, to say the least, it was extremely hard work. But at the end of the day, I know that it is for such a meaningful cause and I’m forever grateful that I got to experience such beautiful beaches and life on earth it was an awesome chance the see the group work together as a TEAM. We were able to get a lot done in just a short amount of time.

Big Love,

Mikey and Louie