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We woke up this morning at 7am, our earliest morning yet. The group took two busses to the rural community in El Molino, Guamote. After driving though thicc fog on a mountain’s edge, we barely arrived in one piece:) We were introduced to Cesar, Manuelita, and Reynaldo, three locals that welcomed us with open arms to their community. For breakfast, we had a wonderful variety of beans, salad, corn, cheese, two types of tea, and a crunchy bread with thicc honey.

Afterwards, we were divided into three groups consisting of the wheat group, the rock group, and the food group. The wheat group scaled up a large mountain with thin air. Along with playing with the children, we harvested wheat and captured memories on our two cameras. Up from the mountain, we could see the rock group collecting rocks to build a house for eight 3-week-old piglets. And special thanks to Haylin, Asia, and Ashley for giving a hand in cooking our delicious lunch that included quinoa soup, spicy salsa, chicken, rice, plantains, and raspberry juice (that Manny spilled all over the floor with a passion).

To conclude our experience in the rural community, we gave a big thanks to our hosts and presented them with some gifts on behalf of our Global Glimpse Delegation.

Following the hour long bus ride back to the hotel, we had a quick 45 minute break to cool off before coming again for a reflection of the experience. After a discussion of the day’s activities, we took a mid-trip evaluation for out GG Leaders and PCs. Subsequently, the group had a quick energizer and 20 minutes break to freshen up before dinner.

For dinner, we had an American variety of burgers, vegetarian burgers, lactose-free burgers, fries, and a scrumptious tea created by our Mama Isabelle. Shoutout to our DJ, Nelson, aka DJ Doctor Strange!

We then headed back to the hotel where we held our nightly meeting and passed the torch to the talented Beth, Ashley, and Jesus, tomorrow’s LDD leaders. We are sure that they will do a marvelous job at keeping up with the Question of the Day. 


Desiree, Manny, & Emily