Hi everyone, it’s the LDDs (Leaders of the Day) Addison, Anaya, and Justas!! Today was a great day. We woke up bright and early at 6 AM to wake everyone up for breakfast at 7:00 AM so that they could be energized for the great day ahead! After breakfast, we played musical chairs and duck duck goose, which really got the Glimpsers hyped 🙂  After the activities, we headed to the school to begin our project.

At Escuela Eslabón, we worked very hard from 9 to 12 where we sanded, scraped, cleaned the walls, then got to painting. The work was motivating knowing that we are servicing children to have a better educational experience. After working hard, we had a very delicious lunch which included salad, beans, and pasta/rice.  After lunch, we rested before heading back to work from 1-4. During this time we continued to paint the two classrooms and the director’s office, and we made such great progress in the rooms. Whenever people had finished other rooms they began helping out in different areas around the school.

During the first day of this project, we learned that communication, teamwork, and dedication are key to success. Even though we had our ups and downs, everyone stayed positive, even with the heat and exhaustion from working. Giving back to this community in Costa Rica, helped us understand how important safe and amusing learning spaces are. With two more days left of this project, we can’t wait to see how great of an impact beautifying this school will have on the students who attend it!

Signing off: the best LDDs!