We had another busy but fun day today, focusing on education. We got to sleep in a little later and had breakfast at 8:30, before coming back to the hostal for our education seminar. We talked a lot about the importance of education and the differences between education in the United States and Nicaragua. We had a lot of questions that we were excited to investigate today!
We started by going to a primary school that was created for the children of the people who work in the dump, so that as small children, they wouldn’t also have to be working at the dump. We saw the school and were introduced to all of the students; they are so cute! Many of them were shy but they opened up when it was time to play and we were able to jump rope, throw frisbees, and play soccer with them. We also brought a Diego pinata that they LOVED. They not only got all of the candy out of the pinata, but continued to attack poor Diego, fighting over his head and legs! After saying goodbye, we went up the street to see where they live. It was hard to see the conditions they live in and we had a really great discussion tonight about what it made us realize about ourselves and our responsibilities as global citizens.
After lunch and a break, we prepared for our first English class! We were divided into groups based on our Spanish skills so we could communicate with our students, and then we spent some good time preparing our first lesson. Of course, as soon as we got there and met our students, must of us scrapped our lesson plans and came up with something new on the spot that would help them more! We all had a great time; for most of us, it was our favorite part of the day! We are really excited to have time tomorrow to plan better lessons and hang out with our students again.
We ended the day, as usual, with dinner and our nightly meeting. We had a really good discussion about all of the things we experienced today and were excited to hand off the leadership torch to our first student leader: Winnie!
Winnie will be blogging about our day tomorrow, when we are shadowing high school students! Until then, we love you and miss you, but we’re having a great time!
Julia, we miss you, have a lot of fun and try to learn all you can. Prueba todas las frutas, toma todas las frutas que puedas. Tu Tia favorite, Palo a Aspe
Hi Marion Julia, I’m very happy to see your picture. I love you very much and I miss you a lot. Take care.
JAY! We miss you so much and we hope you’re having a lot of fun. I hope you’re learning lots of things about yourself as well as Nicaragua’s culture! Love you so much! MWUAH. -Bug
JAY – JESUS LOVES YOU THE BEST, but me, Bug, Chausy and Mook LOVE YOU! I MISS MY LITTLE MEAN MAMA, but it is such a BLESSING to read the Blogs and hear about the WONDERFUL things that you are experiencing and learning. Carpe Diem – Cease the Moment! Love you, MOM.
What great experiences! I’m sure these Glimpsers are learning a lot!
Awesome job everyone! We miss you Stephen, keep up the good work!
Mom, Matt and Shawn =)
I love reading your stories! Wonderful!
Connie B.
Seems you forgot about giving info on accessing blog, and I just figured it out; it’s been 4 days since the airport and I am so HAPPY to see you in these pictures! You look so mature, I am so proud of you.
I am telling everyone how you are on this trip and I beam with pride every time I speak of you. Enjoy every minute you are there and learn, learn, learn 🙂 and have fun, fun, fun, while you are there. looking forward to reading about your days…your hair looks redder,
I don’t know who is posting pictures but please post MORE! it is such a treat to see you and your peers in Nicaragua…especially with no phones!
Love you , xoxoxoxo
Dania, we love you so much, and we are very proud of you!!! this is the beginning of many challenges that you are going to face in life. Feel blessed and thakfull for helping others in need.
Love Mom, Dad, Ed, chiquita, bebe, & cobi.
Keep up the good work
Keep Away from any pets!!!
And all of your Global-Glimpse-mates should do the same!
Hope your all having fun!
By the way it’s very cold back home so I’m sure you’d hate being here instead of that nice warm sun.
Make sure you network with your friends so you all can keep in touch. And keep blogging.
Miss you love!
Your Big Man ‘poppa’
Jay Jay,
Uncle Shawn and I are so happy for you and proud of you. Have a fabulous time. We love you dearly ❤ – Auntie Pam