Hello Family and Friends,

Our day was filled with excitement and team bonding. We started off our day with a trip to Kuri Kinti, where the owners embraced us with open arms. Jenny and Santi, the owners of Kuri Kinti, explained their project to us alongside their dreams, hopes, and plans. They aim to live sustainably, teaching the young locals to live in an alternative way and to practice minga (community working). Jenny gave us a tour of their farm, which had an amazing view of Chimborazo. We were fortunate enough to see its beauty with clear skies. After our tour, we headed back to the hotel and had ice cream from the heladería across the street. After our human knot team bonding exercise, Isabella surprised us with chocolate cake to pair with our chicken and salad dinner. Thank you for keeping up with our trip, we are so excited for you all to see what’s to come!


Haiden Barnuevo