Hi everyone,
Today was our second Environment Day! In the morning we got to meet a local organization, Salvemos Nuestra Casa. After talking a little bit about the work they have done to help with the garbage problem in the community, they took us on a quick tour of the trash-filled areas of Las Tablas. While walking along the sidewalks, we noticed a lot of trash on the streets, ranging from old soda cans to candy wrappers. In the final 10 minutes of our tour, we stopped at a local stream with dirty water and loads of garbage that were thrown in from the surrounding houses. It was unfortunate to hear how the condition of the stream drastically changed over the course of the last 20 years, especially considering it was once a beautiful area where people would go to swim.
In the middle of the day, we finished up our last English Tutoring session for the week. Once again, it was a great experience for all of the Glimpsers. The turnout in each of the class levels was much better compared to yesterday and was filled with a lot of learning. We are looking forward to our final class next Monday where we will be handing out certificates to the students!
Towards the late afternoon, we gave our CAP presentation to the workers of the Pro Eco Azuero Foundation. We prepared throughout the day and created two posters for the respective land owners, Sr. Anibal and Sr. Geraldino. As a group, we addressed their needs by planning how many trees we would plant by species. We had a lot of good questions for the organization and were able to make minor changes to our plan to be fully prepared for three days of hard work!
To finish off one of our busier days, we celebrated a birthday! It was Sidney’s 18th birthday and we ate some great food, gave gifts, and broke a piƱata. The group bonded really well and it was a great way for everyone to have a bit of chill time.
We hope you’re all doing well and send you BIG LOVE!
Hi Yareli, I hope you are doing well, it would be nice to hear your voice at least for a little bit.
If you can call to let me know when are you coming home to make arrangements to pick you up.