Today we dipped our toes into the rich culture of Riobamba. We began our day with a delicious meal prepared by Cesar y su equipo at Nativa. The breakfast consisted of a flavorful fruit salad, toast, and hot chocolate. We then proceeded to walk through the vibrant streets to make our way to the Plaza de Toros. There we learned about the history of the arena and bull fighting as a whole. Next we began our immersive scavenger hunt which required us to interact with locals and be very observant. This experience encouraged us to venture out of our comfort zone. We were also able to notice some of the cultural differences between Ecuador and the US. We also visited several parks including Plaza Roja, Parque Maldonado, and Parque Sucre. The people were very friendly and helpful in the scavenger hunt.

What surprised us the most was the amount of history that existed in the city. Through learning about the city we also encountered obstacles. One of them being the language barrier. People who did not speak Spanish were able to learn some phrases and questions in order to talk to locals. However, as Lideres del Dia, we were very proud of the way that the group navigated the unfamiliar city and was courageous.

As Lideres del Dia, our responsibilities included making sure the group was enthusiastic and on task. Another big part of this role was leading by example. This meant that we had to remain positive and always ask thoughtful questions. This led to the group being more comfortable and asking more questions.

To end our day we had dinner and celebrated Gabi´s birthday with a cake at Cafe Nativa before having our nightly debrief meeting.

To conclude, this day taught us that there is a lot more to the city than meets the eye. We also learned some valuable leadership skills. Looking forward to tomorrow! Feel free to comment any thoughts or questions about our day.