Miguel: Helllooo blog! Today is our third day of working on the CAP Project, which is also the final CAP DAY. Today´s wake-up call was at 6:30 am. An hour later at 7:30 am, we had breakfast which consisted of pancakes, scrambled eggs, and fruits, and the drinks included caste with passion fruit, and fruit punch. Afterward,, we all had our breakfast we had our mental warm-up. Similar to the previous days we departed to Santa Rosa School where we continued to paint outside the school walls, the front of the school, and the ramp that led to the soccer field.

After working hard for 3 hours, at 12 pm, we had lunch at the school which included rice, beans, and carne en salsa. After the delicious lunch we had, we went back to work at 1 pm and continued to paint for the next 3 hours. Even though many of us were exhausted and tired of painting we pushed through it because we had each other and worked together as a team. After we finished working we had a change of plans because it started to rain really hard on the way back to the base house. By the time everybody made it back to the base house, everybody was soaked in water and everybody wanted to rest. During this time it was also downtime, it was encouraged for people to start packing up their things since the trip was coming to an end.

At 6:00 pm, we had dinner which included everyone’s favorite, NACHOOSS. YAY!!!  At 7:30 pm, we had our nightly meeting, which was a little different today because instead of a rose and thorn, we did a rose and a bud, a bud being something we are hopeful for. In this meeting, we also reflected back on our experience on the last 3 CAP days. We all noticed how after the past couple of days, everyone has gotten even closer to each other and how we all have grown on this trip. After the nightly meeting, we had another MOVIIIEEE NIGHHHTT, where we watched, 10 Thing I Hate About You and ate smores, which was all possible thanks to our leaders, Lolita and Heather, and our Pc’s, Fabi and Julio.

Today, was my day to be a leader, which was challenging for me since I am not a very outgoing person like many of my peers on this trip. Throughout the day, I tried my hardest to get out of my comfort zone by talking to as many different people as I could and even got to learn more about some people. Even so, not all the credit belongs to me, it also belongs to the people here on the trip because they were understanding of my personal challenge. By the end of the day, I felt like I really pushed myself as a leader and learned many important lessons throughout the day. One of the most significant ones is that in order to resemble a leader, you have to be someone who cares about others, someone who can encourage others, and someone who isn’t afraid to advocate for yourself, and most importantly for others.