As Leaders of the Day, our day began at 6:30 am, we woke the very young people up and began packing. We had our final breakfast together at Hotel Piamonte at 7:30 am. The lovely Kiara Davis and I (Daisy) checked everyone’s rooms at 7:30 while we all ate breakfast. Then, at 8:15 am everyone brought down their luggage and at 8:30 am our bus was there to pick us up from Hotel Piamonte for our 6-hour bus trip to Panama City. At 12:30 pm, we had Subway for lunch. We arrived to Canal de Panamá at 2:15 pm and it was interesting to learn about the history of its construction, the uses of Canal de Panamá, and how influential it is to the world. At 4:20 we arrived at the lovely Hostal Gemar, where we had our final bonding session, even though we were packed like sardinas in one room.

We had pizza in our PJs, like a sleepover, for dinner and then we had our last nightly meeting at 7:30 pm, where people got emotional (hint hint, Marco one of our PC leaders.) At 10:00 it was lights out.

Today we learned about the Canal de Panamá! It was very impactful and interesting.  What hit us in the heart was in the group, we had an emotional conversation about our experience with this trip, how it impacted our lives, and how significant and meaningful we are to each other’s lives. Time surprised us the most today, we were early for EVERYTHING and got to have more time to enjoy each other’s company. We are most proud of are peers being able to understand and discuss their emotions without being judged. The person who inspired us today was the pilot of the Canal de Panamá ships because of how much they are responsible for and the many lives he has impacted. For us, sometimes it became a little overwhelming but we survived and we were the best leaders ever. Today we learned that we are very capable of doing things we don’t think we are good at.

Big love,

Daisy Vergara Mora and Kiara Davis.