Hello friends and family, we are looking forward to seeing all of you tomorrow. After a long night and campfire, we still started our day with a 7 am wake-up. We had planned to take the kids for one last shopping trip however a storm rolled in. This left us back at the ranch listening to music, playing games, and enjoying each other’s company. After a delicious lunch, we had a final reflection activity at 4:00 where the students shared their highlights of the trip and the leadership skills they have learned through the CAP project and other activities. This left them a short time to shower and change because we had a 6:00 pick-up for our 7:00 dinner. The Glimpsers looked fantastic at this dinner out and enjoyed a variety of brick oven pizzas. Some even treated themselves to virgin pina coladas and deserts. When we came back from dinner we had our final Big Love of the trip and celebrated our wonderful 2 weeks together. We look forward to greeting our friends and family upon arrival.