There couldn’t have been a better day for me to be picked to be leader of the day than today. Today we reflected on the past sixteen days in the Dominican Republic. We shed tears and laughs and memories looking back at this wonderful opportunity that has been given to us. We explored the city of Constanza on our own and were captivated by its beauty. It has been a pleasure to have experienced such an amazing culture. This trip has impacted me in unimaginable ways such as adapting to a new lifestyle, experiencing a culture not of my own, and learning to be grateful for what I have. It’s sad that my time here has come to an end, but I will never forget the people I’ve met and the memories I’ve made.

~  Serenity A. Taylor

Being chosen to be Leader of The Day again on our last full day in the D.R. was just a good day. It was lax and smooth, no problems and everyone had a fun day. We reflected on our time here in the beautiful city of Constanza, and soaked in everything we’ve done throughout the trip. This trip has changed all of us for the better, in ways where it was hard to take in all the emotions developed throughout the trip. This trip has been a great opportunity for us all, and we will forever be grateful for having this experience. To all the people I’ve met here, the new things done, and now memories I will replay and cherish forever, may the ones after us also have a similar experience and change for the better. Our time has come to an end, but our mission and duty as global citizens are far from over.

~ Carlos J. Rodriguez Jr.