Good Afternoon everyone! This is Joralis and Diana, your LDDs for today. We were very excited to take on this job today, being the last student LDDs for the rest of the trip.

This morning we woke up to very excited voices about it being our last full day here. After wake up we ate breakfast and said our roll call for today, “Jarabacoa, we out!”. When breakfast ended, we had our very last program seminar. During this seminar, we did a start, stop, and continue activity which involved walking around and writing on three different posters what we will start, stop, and continue throughout the rest of our lives. After this activity, we handed out shout out sheets and each individual person wrote a big love to every person on the trip.  Reading our notes felt exciting and made us feel appreciated after these past two weeks.

During the meeting we also did a student open mic. Joralis went first with a little note to everyone hoping and wishing they can be the best person they possibly can. We had a couple Glimpsers sing some songs they created about JA1D and all the things we’ve done so far. After the program seminar was done, we had lunch.

We had free time for about five hours today. During free time, our wonderful GG leaders took the time to do everyone’s e-tickets, so we don’t get left behind in the DR. We also got souvenirs for family and friends, then went and got ice cream as well (some were a little messier than others.) It was packing time too!!

After all the shenanigans, it was time to dine. We walked to Pizza & Pepperoni, ate our delicious pizza (some people had five slices and some people had three.) Some of the boys made an album cover too.  Then we walked back to the hostel. We had nightly meeting and now we are here writing the blog.  It felt exhilarating to have our last nightly meeting because everyone was excited but also a little sad to be leaving one another after such an amazing experience.

Farewell and see you all tomorrow at the Airport!!!!!😆. We’ll update you all once we have checked in and are about to board!