We began the day with a reflection about our fifteen-day trip together. The first minutes in the Quito airport filled with fear, curiosity, and excitement. Their first impression of Guaranda. The nature walk in Tagma San Jose and the humility of Carlos. Making adobe blocks. The challenge of snow capped Chimborazo. The inspiring chat with Padre Antonio Polo in Salinas. And how all of these activities helped us grow and learn together.

Our bus ride to Quito went out as planned and everyone arrived at the airport in good spirits. Then came the most difficult part, saying Kayakama (See you later) to our wonderful Glimpsers and GGLeaders. Big hugs and many photos.

To our Glimpsers of GU2B: we are so proud of you all and honored to have met each and every one of you. We are already missing you guys here in Ecuador, but we know you are leaving to go make the world a better, more just place. Keep in touch and remember every moment of this experience.