Hey everyone, this is Moises Duran and today it’s a bitter sweet day for everyone in the hostel. We first woke up as usual but packing away our clothes and souvenirs we bought for our families. During breakfast we had our last serving of rice, beans and a banana. The subject that all the students were talking about was how much they would miss the country, people, food, and our Global Glimpse Coordinators. After breakfast we than moved on to our final reflection, this final reinfection had many different activities to identify how much we grown as leaders and as young adults. One activity was called “Stop, Start, and Continue,” this activity was meant for the the students to think about what qualities, inspirations, and experiences they would take back home and either Stop, Start, and Continue. After, we had an open mic circle time to share out how Global Glimpse has helped them grow and change their lives. Personally Global Glimpse helped me with my confidence as a leader and an individual also just to have fun and to live life inIMG_5244IMG_5247 the now. We than ended with our final unity clap with the word “Amigos,” and after this program we will truly all still be Amigos!