Since today was our first free day we got to sleep in late. I woke up around 8:00 and then I went to wake up some of my peers with Edwin and we sang a song. After that me and my peers where playing spit (a card game) until it was time for breakfast. After breakfast we just hang out until we went out at 1:00. We got the chance to buy junk food, souvenirs, and get some ice cream. We went out for two hours and then we headed back to the Hotel to get ready for English class. We walked to English classes and me and my peers started the classes once we got there. My English class went well, the students were very engaged and they really learned what we taught them. I actually was extremely happy to teach other students a new language and being able to see the capability some of my students had was brilliant. After that we came back to the hotel and we went straight into making our next lesson plan for our next English class. After that we ate dinner. Today was a more laid off day so being Líder del Día was pretty easy and not as difficult. It was a great experience being able to go out and see some stores out in Constanza. It i was also nice seeing how cheaper things were here compared to the U.S. but at the same time it’s because 1 USD is 49 pesos. But being able to buy things to take back home is pretty nice. I was extremely happy to be Líder del Día and i’m happy it went well.


So, today was our first free day and it was pretty chill. Woke up at 6:00 because my body knew it had a job to do and honestly anticipation kept me awake because of being Líder del Día tomorrow or aka leader of the day. Everyone was so well rested they woke up on their own and the others that stayed asleep were woken up by me and my co-leader Rosemary singing to them through a megaphone. We had free time after a simple breakfast until lunch which after we explored the beautiful city of Constanza. After we received our pesos I saw countless snacks and souvenirs fly off their shelves and into our bags as the idea of limit disappeared from our minds. We came back dusted ourselves (and our now empty wallets) off, dressed up and went to go teach our english tutoring classes.  We came back, prepared the next lesson, ate and had beautiful conversations until it was lights out. Overall, a great day.
