Picking out and designing the Larimar

Picking out and designing the Larimar

Fun times at Playa Quemaito

Fun times at Playa Quemaito

Robert Ludlum once said, “The most precious jewels are not made of stone, but of flesh.” To me this quote means that the things that are most precious in life are the people who can tell us their stories, not an object. My name is Cassidy, and I was today’s leader. Today for our first fun day, we went to Playa Quemaito and then after we went to an authentic Larimar workshop. Larimar is a rare blue stone that can only be found in this region of the DR in the entire world. This stone can only be found in a mine that once used to be a volcano, but it never erupted. Here at the workshop, we were able to make our own pieces of jewelry, by tracing a shape we wanted to have cut out on a bigger piece of the stone, then giving it to one of the cutters named Cesar. A couple of the glimpsers were actually able to carve out their own shapes. For those who did not want to make their own pieces of jewelry, there was a store, attached to the side of their house, where we had the ability to purchase already made jewelry. Thinking back to the quote, though we were there for the Larimar stone, the real beauty of that workshop was hearing the story of the stone from the people who make the jewelry for a living.

Being a leader today was rather challenging, but it was also a great learning experience. My fellow glimpsers do like to talk, so it can be difficult to get the attention of the group at times, but it is all about patience. I was able to learn, through the feedback from the other glimpsers, that I need to make sure that even if I am feeling annoyed, I should try to not show it on my face and just make sure that I keep positive no matter what happens. Being the main leader today was a bit overwhelming, it felt like I was the main parent for 18 children. Though it wasn’t something that I was used to, I was able to push through and in the end come out successful with lots of warm feedback from everyone. I look forward to one day being a main leader again, because I know the next time I will be the best leader yet.