Today was our second free day, and the first real day where we are allowed to go out and explore on our own. Like the last free day, we had a walk in breakfast starting 8:30 a.m. After breakfast we had explore time, during which we could call our parents and go out in groups of four or more. Our group went out for souvenir shopping and came back at 11:30 in order to have lunch. After lunch we had 6 whole hours of explore time. The days leading up to today were all jammed packed with activities and guest speakers. Having a day where we were able to do whatever we wanted was very liberating and relaxing. Some people stayed in the hotel and had their nails done, while others went out to play basketball, and go shopping. A lot of us that went out got Pizza at local store. The pizza was very different from those in New York, there was a lot more cheese and different flavors. Despite the lack of proper schedule everyone came back at the right time to have dinner, and the day went by very smoothly. I have learned so much about the culture and lives of the locals here and their stories have inspired me to change the way I think. I am looking forward to starting our CAP project two days from now where we can start making visible changes to the community that we have lived in for the past few days. We are already planing on how we will help the locals build the basketball court, and excited on how ever thing will end up!