image2 (2)Today was our trip’s first free day. Basically, that means no schedule for the day and us glimpsers get to roam about and explore Leon.  If we formed a group of 6 or more glimpsers, a global glimpse leader wasn’t needed, but we still had to sign out, inform the leaders where we were planning to go, and make sure to return back to hostel by check in times. What we learned today was how to effectively manage both our time and money as well as realizing that the situation in Nicaragua was a little different than that of the US. This was revealed in the nightly thorns and roses energizer that the group partakes in. There really weren’t things that we saw or experienced today that were particularly shocking since we’ve been here for 7 days already and we’ve adjusted well to the city of Leon. Time management was really difficult and the fact that we maneuvered the streets without getting hopelessly lost was a real achievement. We didn’t get a chance to meet any particular speakers today because it was a free day, but the entire spirit of the people of Leon as a whole is just inspiring; from their work ethic in the markets that we visited to the survival instincts we saw on the streets.  In fact, today Raquel, a fellow glimpser, put her negotiating skills to use scoring some good deals on souvenirs.  Being the El Lider Del Dia was very difficult; sometimes you just forget that you are one. It is a huge responsibility to make sure that everyone is safe and healthy; but I learned that being the ELDD is a much simpler task with everyone pitching on to help.  Thank you family and friends for all the comments.  keep it coming!