Today we had a free day! First, we went to breakfast where ìsabele prepared a lovely meal for us. We had yogurt, bread, guava juice, beef, and granola. Then, the accounting team went shopping for our supplies for the CAP project, while everyone else got a head start on exploring Riobamba some more and buying last minute souvenirs. At around 12:15, we all met back at the hotel and went to Roma Santa for lunch. Afterwards, everyone left and toured the city one last time. At 4:00pm, we had our English tutoring prep, where we prepared some awesome lesson plans for our students. Later, we had a seminar which gave us a chance to begin writing a letter about ourselves, why we decided to join Global Glimpse, and what has inspired us the most about it. At 6:00pm, we walked to el colegio de Maldonado and we began our English tutoring. Lastly, we went to Roma Santa for dinner and came back for our nightly meeting.

The most surprising thing today was the amount of energy everyone had! Everybody was so positive and happy to be participating in all the meetings. It was a great environment overall. I am very proud of the energy and excitement everyone had during the free day. It showed that they truly appreciate the opportunities of this trip. I was honored to be the leader of the day. I love how enthusiastic everyone was and even though everyone was excited, they still took the time to pay attention to me when I had to give announcements. Today, I learned that being a leader is a little difficult, but in the end it is such a privilege.

  • McKenzie Meiley