Pura Vida Parents and Families,

This is Kaavya and Daisy, the LDDs here to recap the day. Today we went to the park for a picnic and spent some time chilling at the accommodation. Later, we traveled to Turrialba, where we visited the old train station and learned about the history and impact of colonialism in the city. We also got to go to a panaderia (bakery) and got to try delicious Costa Rican pastries! We had a couple of bumps today, but everyone came together and persevered throughout the day and managed to still have a great time.

Being a leader definitely came with a lot of pressure and responsibility, requiring me to be ready to adapt at a moment’s notice. The day was without a permanent schedule, which left even more up to us, but the experience taught me to advocate for myself and trust in my abilities. – Kaavya

My experience being an LDD came with the realization of how open-minded and flexible a leader truly needs to be. Surprisingly, it was difficult having such an open schedule, yet we managed to pull through. I appreciate Kaavya for partnering with me and stepping up when I couldn’t be there. – Daisy

Overall, today was full of learning and perseverance. We would now like to pass the torch on to Chloe and Landon, who we are sure will be great leaders.

Signing off,
Kaavya and Daisy