The UCA Miraflor / GG Crew


My name is Hana Bixler and I was leader of the day today! Being the first student Leader of the Day was challenging, but ultimately I’m glad I stepped up to it. After an early morning of knocking on my fellow glimpsers’ doors with the most cheerful attitude I could cover my own drowsiness with, and a hearty gallo pinto breakfast, we were off to our first event of the day.DSC01817

We took a field trip to UCA Miraflor, a local NGO that we will be working with in our CAP project, where we asked questions of and listened to some of the leaders of the organization. Afterwards some of us bought coffee to support their efforts.

On the bus back to the Hotel, we stopped to buy rain boots from a thrift store in town to prepare for the recent heavy rain and our “Living on a Dollar a Day” trip to the rural community of El Robledal tomorrow.

After Lunch we traveled to La Casita INPRHU where we learned about the origin of NGOs & the meaning behind la casita in the community. After the leader overview, we were all able to play a soccer/futbol game with the local kids. Most of them were half our height but twice as good as us! The game took place just as a thunder storm began, and playing with the mountains and the rain clouds around us was really as picturesque as it gets.

Our first English tutoring sessions began today, and it was so fun getting to plan our lessons and meet our students for the first time! Everyone is so excited to teach and the students are so excited to learn. I know teaching will be a great learning experience for everyone involved.

-Hana B 🙂

Futbol Fun

Futbol Fun