Hello everyone!

My name is Kelly Bonnez and I am one of your GG leaders on our trip to Riobamba this summer. I teach math at Summit Prep High School in Redwood City and I’m originally from Rochester, NY. I am so excited to finally meet all of you in just a few weeks.  We are going to have an amazing trip together! We will be learning and experiencing so many new, different and exciting things. The Global Glimpse experience is truly life changing.

I am returning to lead my 2nd trip with Global Glimpse this summer. I continue to volunteer to travel with students because it is one of the most rewarding experiences that I have ever had. The trip is transformational for both students and leaders. I have never been to Ecuador so I am looking forward to learning about life there and explore the culture with you all. I hope that everyone is ready and willing to try new things and get out of your comfort zone (my favorite aspect!). 

I am excited to serve as your leader and will be here to guide you every step of the way. Please feel free to reach out to me via email if you have any questions before the trip!

All my best,

Kelly Bonnez