Going into community day I figured it would be an emotionally and physically exhausting day. Canada De Las Palmas is located in the mountains and we knew to expect a family-oriented community. I came in thinking I wasn’t going to get attached but boy WAS I WRONG in not recognizing the impact community day would have on me. I started my day off by painfully having to wake up knowing that today I carried the responsibility of being the “Leader of the Day”. Waking up at 5:00 am to get fully ready for a jam-packed day was the most physically draining part of my day, having to accommodate my comfortable habits in order to ensure that I would be the best partner and leader possible. Upon arrival I was assigned to a large family located in a small accommodation that welcomed my group with open arms, allowing me to settle comfortably with the family almost immediately. During this three-hour stay with our host family, I realized that I’m not here to interview, demonstrate pity, or take pictures for my own pleasure… We’re here to immerse, engage, and adapt. This realization allowed me to further enjoy my stay at Canada De Las Palmas. Getting emotionally attached to kids was not on my list of plans, speaking as an older sister to four. I met two girls and one boy today who invited me to essentially “be a child” with them for the day, immersing in their playing styles, getting dirty, dancing, and playing baseball. Their names were Jeremy, Ñail, and Scarlett; These kids meant so much to me. Who would’ve thought I would get homesick because of these kids that reminded me of my own siblings? Although we made an emotional departure I will never forget the amazing experience the kids and my host family were able to provide to me today, and especially to the little girl Ñail who provided me comfort and love.
– Jordan

Today the glimpsers explored a small and strong communicative community filled with smiles and kindness. They also split into small groups to connect with the amazing and positive people of Canada De Las Palmas. They got a glimpse of the tough and hard-working lives of these people by exploring the homes of these families helping with the cooking and having some fun with the kids. A couple of the glimpsers played fun games such as tag, hide and seek, and horse racing (a glimpser giving a piggyback ride to a kid). After all the fun we shared lunch with the community with dancing and music. After that, the glimpsers got a small tour of the mountains and some of the buildings in the area. Then they departed back to the hotel with fun memories to share with friends and family in the days to come.
– Brandon