Today I, Davalanya Hernandez, was leader of the day. I was in charge of the headcounts, crossing the streets, and making sure everyone is okay and can move forth in the day. The most rewarding thing about my day was when Nikita fell and I carried her to the English tutoring building. Being leader of the day does not mean to be the boss. Being the leader is being the person that the entire group comes to for help.
Today we had the theme of Global Business. In the prospects of global business, we evaluated whether or not large scale companies can help the environment or can potentially cause an up rise a smaller business. We had presentation from a Sesame Seeds Corporation called Del Campo and Quetzaltrekkers; an Eco-Tourism company. At the Sesame Seed Factory, the women clean the seeds and the men are used to carry the seeds around and into the machines to be sorted. Quetzaltrekkers is focused on taking tourists to hike the volcanoes and to show the non-natives what Nicaragua has to offer. The money collected from the customers goes into local developing projects to pay back communities.
English Tutoring today was the five day anniversary from the Monday. Everyone’s classes went well due to preparation and teamwork. We can only wish for more success in our final week
Brayan- Our Global Glimpse Leader being sassy.
P.S. Sorry that the blog post was late, the internet cut out at 1.
Nana (Natalie)sabes que te quiero muchísimo y eres muy importante en mi vida te extrañamos toda la famila y mas Jesse cada que le digo algo de ti llora …es una experiencia nueva en tu vida esto te va hacer fuerte para nuevas experiencias en tu vida estas lejos en un país diferente con gente diferente vas a a prender avalorar lo poco que te podemos dar pero vas a aprender a valorar las personas y ser amable con gente que no conoces .estas lejos pero muy cerca de mi ❤️Te amo y te extraño mi nana…tu mama
Well done Hernandez. We look forward to a thorough report when you get back. Mom, El Capitan, Georgy, Blanca. Grandma, and of course your pops miss you. Leave no regrets behind and have a blast. Hasta pronto…
We miss you. Got your plane ticket for your trip to come visit. Can not wait to see you.
Great post Davalanya. You are definitely learning the true aspects of teamwork and leadership. Many adults still struggle with understanding and applying this concept. You are ahead of the game! Good job! My baby is maturing! (Tear drop) Yes I know; no embarrassing comments. I am just so pleased to hear how well you are doing and that you are actually enjoying the experience.
We miss you so much! I look forward to your call. Janniven was disappointed to hear he missed your call. He misses you! (One more tear drop)
Hugs and kisses!
We love you!
Great post Davalanya! How cool was the Sesame Seed Factory tour?? Makes you really stop and wonder about all the things we use in our daily life, with no thought about who and where they come from. Xav, did the tourism presentation remind you of the awesome tour guide we had in Jamaica? And that dad asked her a billion questions about her life in Jamaica. She was awesome. 🙂
Xaia had her shows this weekend and she did amazing. Even your brother willingly admitted that she a great job. Haha. If you guys can get on the internet at all, I posted video of a few of her songs on my FB page.
Grandma Cathy came down for the show and slept in your room. I promise I’ll keep the doors shut tight to trap the grandma stink in there for you. (Have fun explaining that one to your friends!)
Love you!… miss you!… drink water!… bug spray!… etc…
I’m so proud of all of you. Thank you for filling us in on another learning experience.
Jacqui, the girls and I wish you warm Aloha. All is well with us and we wish you were here. We will get you lots of hurricane popcorn. Love you.
Great write up Davalanya! I hope that you are enjoying yourself and making memories to last a lifetime.