Today we woke everyone up for breakfast and prepared for a long workday. We left the Ranch and headed to a coffee farm, where we helped out the local workers with weeding coffee bean plants and learned about the process of growing coffee beans. While there we learned how low the minimal wages are for workers in the DR (they earn about 11 US dollars a day), and learned how important a role consumers play in these kinds of professions.

We headed back to camp for lunch before going to Cafe Monte Alto, a coffee factory, for a tour. While there we learned about their process for picking, sorting, and producing the coffee. The tour guide showed us how environment-friendly their process was from composting to selling the lower quality coffee beans for a lower price. A couple of Glimpsers bought coffee to bring home to their parents (including us :))

When we finally returned to camp, half the group had a swim party, while everyone else napped or played cards. It was an exhausting but rewarding day.