Today, July 31st, 2018 the Global Glimpse students experienced a day working like local farmers
which was a pretty long day. We started our day off by waking up at 6:00 am and getting ready for breakfast by 7:00am. After breakfast we took a bus from the hotel to Albert’s Quezada’s Green House. Albert inherited land from his father in which at the time his father purchased it on his own due to the fact that he didn’t receive land from the dictator Trujillo who gifted large amount of land to Japanese and Spanish settlers in the 1930’s and 1940’s. Albert had been born and raised in this farm and was well known by the community and is proud to continue his father’s legacy. In this trip some glimpsers worked on pulling dead leaves off cucumbers plants while others either picked extra branches off tomato plants or wrapped long stems around wire which was needed to support the plant.

Around 11:45am we headed back to Hotel Mi Casa and had lunch. After having lunch, we showered and changed our clothing and at 1:40 left the Hotel Mi Casa and went on a guided tour at World Argo Marketing. World Argo marketing is a cucumber factory where they receive cucumbers from local farmers and put them through a whole process fit for the transporting cucumber guidelines from the U.S. They then ship them to the United States. This trip was eye opening for me because it allowed me to see what happens to food items before it gets onto our plates. I believe this was a great experience. At 3:45 we headed back to the Hotel Mi Casa showered and changed and got an hour break until the next activity.

At 5:00pm we had a seminar CAP 2- Design. Cooperatively we came up with a plan for our community action plan. There were many things we could’ve helped them with but we had to narrow it down to which project may we be sustainable. We had to commit to the plan, get help from the community, gain access from resources, and most importantly complete the project in three days.The group decided to work on a project which could help the local playground by adding fences, engaging visual art with flowers and continuing the efforts in creating and cementing a basketball court. After that at 7:00pm we had dinner and nightly meetings which ended our long exhausting day. But we learned a lot.