
Hola, mi nombre es Skylar. Today I was the leader of the day; directing and encouraging my peers to reach their greatest potential.

The theme of the day was Aid and Development. Should we or should we not support other countries? To explore all possibilities of this topic we had two seminars and a speaker come and talk to us about the causes and effects. To grasp this concept more aggressively we also went to the local village where we assessed their needs, so that we could apply it through our community action project. Talking with the locals and experiencing first hand their lifestyle opened all of our eyes to redirect our mind sets to the real problem at hand, which was not enough support.

After this eye opening experience we honed our skills and taught English classes for the people who wanted to learn. Trying to teach a new language (English) while also having to talk in Spanish for them to understand the focal point was very engaging and interesting to say the least. Although, this may not be the most efficient way to teach, everyone pitched in and tried their best. Case and point, Global Glimpse has not only given me a glimpse on the world but also a whole new outlook and perspective.

Thank you all for your unconditional support,

~Skylar Hardy

P.S. sorry that there are no pictures of us…. technical difficulties