Hey all! My name is Parry, and I’m excited at the prospect of meeting all of you on this trip! I first heard about Global Glimpse from a friend’s post online, and was hooked on the idea of being able to travel to a place and learn about its culture, history, and heritage without the hustle bustle people tend to find at tourist attractions.

A bit about me: I’m an incoming senior at Mission San Jose High in Fremont. Growing up in the Bay Area, I was enthralled by the numerous pictures my older sister brought home when she traveled around the world. Singapore, Malaysia, Costa Rica…the pictures of these places along with their stories helped cement a desire for me to explore new frontiers. I absolutely love nature as well, and I can’t wait to see some of Nicaragua’s lush vegetation.

As for my personality, I’ve been told I seem outgoing but I’m really pretty insecure and self-conscious. Don’t worry though! If we meet and it gets awkward we can just move on! I do try and make an effort to move out of my comfort zone every once in a while. And I hope this trip provides me the opportunity to do just that!

See you guys soon! 🙂