Heya! I am Ms. Taal, and I am really looking forward to meeting all of you on our trip! It’s coming up FAST, so I just wanted to let you know a bit about me. I am a Social Studies teacher at Greenwich High School, where I teach Psychology (11th and 12th grade) and Global Studies (9th grade). I went on a much less interesting school trip overseas when I was in high school, and I think this trip with Global Glimpse will really be something special. So, I get what it feels like to travel so far from home when you’re young (you WILL miss the pizza, TRUST ME) and how exciting and life-changing such an experience can be. I lived about half my adult life in California (Bay Area!), went to university and grad school out there, but I grew up in New York. So I am half chill, half New York (not chill). Born in NYC, and I am really hoping everyone on this trip is a Yankee fan, or will be by the end of the trip (jk).

Travel is a necessity for some, a privilege for others. We have a chance to do something great this summer: get outside of what we know, build community, help people in an empowering way, ask new questions, break down real or imagined barriers and grow into our better selves. I have been to the Kenai Peninsula in Alaska to Punta Arenas, the very tip of South America, and I’ve seen a bit of things in between. I climbed Mt. Whitney, the highest mountain in the lower 48 States in a blizzard and made it to the peak. I never thought I would be able to do that at 40, but that was years ago, and I learned that mindset is 99% of the battle. I am a life long-learner and hope to learn a lot with you all this summer.

Likes: tennis, dogs, hot sauce, sunshine, mountains, reading, funny stories, baseball, music, London

Can’t wait me meet you all and travel to ECUADOR!! Reply to this post if you want to with any comments or questions.

“The world is before you and you need not take it or leave it as it was when you came in”. -James A. Baldwin