Hello, August 2023 DR Glimpsers!

My name is Julie Kanak, and I will be one of the GG Leaders on the trip coming up in just a few weeks.  Can’t tell you how excited I am….This will be my first experience with Global Glimpse, but I have known about this incredible organization for a number of years, and am just thrilled to be a part of it.  I am SO looking forward to getting to know and spend time with each and every participant and going through this incredible experience with you.  We will all learn and grow a lot….

My educational background includes Bachelor’s Degrees in Psychology and Education, a Master’s Degree in Liberal Studies, and graduate work in Social Justice.  I spent most of my professional life in the non-profit world, working for a foster care agency, a hospice, doing mediation in the court system, and as Executive Director for a peace-building and leadership organization for Palestinian, Israeli and American youth.  More recently, I have worked as a hiking guide, leading groups of women on different kinds of trips around the US, and as a Forest Therapy guide, getting people and nature to connect with each other.

I have been fortunate enough to have done a fair amount of travel both within the US and internationally, and deeply value connecting with other people, places and cultures in an up-close-and-personal way, which is what we will all be doing soon.  I have always been an adventurer and a hiker.  I have been involved in various social and environmental justice efforts through the years, and I am passionate about continuing that work.

My husband and I are the proud parents of four young men, and when they were young we hosted exchange students from all over the world, so not only did we do our best to get out into the world, we invited people from around the world into our lives too, which was a delight.

Speaking of delight, again I am DELIGHTED to be heading into this new adventure.  I know the entire GG staff has been working non-stop on all the details, and the in-country staff will work like crazy to make this trip powerful, enriching, educational, inspiring.  And fun!!

See you all soon….
