Hello family and friends! We hope you are doing well!
Mauricio and Larry here again.

21 glimpsers and 2 GG Leaders made it to Panamá today! We were at the airport waiting for them to go to the hotel.

Once there, they got into their rooms and just a while later we all were eating Domino’s Pizza in the Kitchen right after that everyone could introduce themselves to the group, and share the reason for doing Global Glimpse. We also had our first Nightly Meeting -the short version. Lanissa and Jeromy, our awesome GG Leaders showed us their singing and dancing talent to earn the torch that symbolizes them as the next  “Líderes del día”.

Right now, everybody is resting in their rooms, recharging their batteries to have full energy for tomorrow’s activities.

Starting tomorrow, Global Glimpse Leaders and Glimpsers will be sharing what they are experiencing, here. We encourage you to leave your comments below and we will share them with the students daily.

¡Abrazos gigantes! Giant hugs for you all!

Larry and Mauri