Hello fellow Glimpsers!

My name is Sophia Tran and I am an upcoming senior at Andrew Hill High School in San Jose, California. I am currently 16 years old (but am turning 17 soon during our trip!) and am super excited to spend this unique two-week experience with all of you! I actually know a handful of people on this trip because they also go to my school, but I can’t wait to get to know the rest of you. (I might come off as a bit shy at first, haha sorry!) When I’m not caught up with school work, I enjoy reading, drawing/painting, and swimming. I have taken three years of Spanish and in those three years I have discovered that I can read Spanish better than I can speak it. Hopefully my Spanish-speaking skills will improve during this trip so I can impress my Spanish teacher when school begins. I enjoy traveling to new places and have traveled to the Philippines & Singapore. There’s something about traveling that really broadens my mind and gives me the feeling that anything is possible, which is probably why I enjoy it so much.

On this trip, I am most excited about two things: the scenery & FOOD! I have only been viewing Guaranda’s beautiful scenery through a picture on a screen, and now I am ready to experience it all first-hand for myself. When it comes to food, I am very adventurous and will try anything at least once. Oh and have I mentioned I like dogs? (oops, I don’t mean eating them) Here’s a picture of me and my two doggies! Their names are Pluto and Mars.

Can’t wait to experience what Ecuador has to offer. See you all soon!