Hi there! With great enthusiasm, we share that the complete team RB1C (Glimpsers and chaperones) had a safe journey and landed in Quito. This is the beginning of a lifetime adventure and we have started with excellence! Joy and excitement are in the air.

Tonight we will sleep in Quito (Ambassador Hotel). Tomorrow morning we will travel to Riobamba, Chimborazo province, where most of the trip will take place. We hope everybody has a pleasant rest. From now on, at the end of each day, we will post an update of what we did, the feelings that crossed us, our thoughts, the challenges and pluses of the activities, with a representative picture(s) of the essence of the day. This will be posted by a different student each day via this blog.

Dear families and friends, we encourage you to share your opinions, your congratulations, and your best vibes to our Glimpsers- they will feel all your love and support!

Our best regards:
Angelita & Mateo
Big Love!