Hola familias!

We started our day bright and early at 6.30am! We had hard-boiled eggs and mashed potatoes (again…) with the BEST guava juice. After that, we rushed to the bus to prepare for a 4-hour long bus ride. We had a slow start but JC let us make a playlist and we had a GREAT time (shoutout party in the USA). We got to the BEAUTIFUL beach house and we had a quick lunch of rice with salami, salad, and orange juice. The bus then took us to our meeting with ASCALA which is an organization that started in 1991 they work with migrants and their descendants. Our guest speaker Abdias migrated to the DR 13 years ago because of the harsh conditions. Currently, Haiti is in civil unrest and has no president.

Then we went to the Tour de la caña which was a tour of a sugar cane farmland. We saw how it is harvested and even got to try some IN THE RAIN! We visited a barrio near the sugarcane farm and got to play tag. baseball, and soccer with the kids. We shared some of our bracelets with them and our wrists were left a little empty. We came back on the bus and did some singing. We got back to the house and had a deep self-reflection on our activity. Then it is TACO WEDNESDAY! They were so good LOL. Lastly, we jumped in the pool and had our nightly meeting.

Yours truly,

Ash & Tay