Hello everyone! My name is Darlene Mac and I am currently 17! I attend Andrew Hill High School in San Jose. I am Vietnamese-Chinese American (but I am more fluent in Vietnamese than Chinese), woohoo! I love traveling and exploring the world that we live in. There’s so much in the world for me to explore! I am really thankful that Global Glimpse has given me this opportunity to explore new roots and make new memories that I will forever cherish. I hope that in the future I will be able to travel to more countries and maybe even study abroad!

Fun facts about me (because I don’t really know what to say):

  • In my free time, you will most definitely find me sleeping, listening to music, painting, or watching shows.
  • I am currently watching The Office! It’s hard to choose between Parks and Recreation and The Office!!
  • I’m involved with clubs at my school! Two in particular: Interact and Acts of Random Kindness(ARK)! I am the ARK Council Coordinator and President of my school’s club. I am also co-president of Interact! I love these clubs so much and I feel really passionate about them. <3
  • I have a little brother, Daniel! He’s 7 years old.
  • I think I overpacked for this trip…
  • I’m really into fashion, makeup (although I’m not that good at it), and BUNNIES!! I don’t own a bunny, but I really hope that I can someday!!

I’m excited to meet everyone and be friends with all of you! I hope that we can all have fun and have lots of laughs. I hope that I won’t be shy and quiet because that’s what I might be at first, but I will soon open up to everyone and it’ll be fun!

Good luck packing everyone!