Hello Glimpsers and Families/Friends!

My name is Heather Schacher, and I am so excited to be able to be one of your Global Glimpse Leaders this summer! I can’t wait to get to meet you all in person and share this incredible experience with our delegation.

This will be my first time traveling as a GGL, but my second time traveling with Global Glimpse. I previously traveled with Global Glimpse as a student in 2014. Global Glimpse was truly one of the best experiences that I have had, so when I saw they expanded to Los Angeles I was eager to participate again as a leader! My love for travel has also taken me to places like Japan, Guatemala, Mexico, etc. I am ready to add Jarabacoa to the list!

A little more about me… I am a high school math teacher (Algebra 2) at Animo Watts serving students in the Watts/Compton area. Even though I am a math teacher, my passions in education include helping to prepare students for college, growing leadership skills, and discussing social justice issues! I know I will learn so much more on this trip and from you all which will help to make me an even stronger educator. Some other interesting facts about me include the fact that my favorite snack is Lime Hot Cheetos, I like to do Pilates for workouts, I am a huge foodie, and I grew up in the Bay Area!

I can’t wait to learn about you all in just a couple of weeks. This is truly going to be one of the best experiences ever. See you all bright and early on July 28th (7:30 am) at the airport. Happy Packing!

Big Love!