Today, the students had their second free day which happens to coincide with their second day of English Tutoring. The students got their wake-up call at 8:45, later than usual since it is their day to have fun, including more sleep. First, we went to breakfast at the restaurant La Estancia where Doña Rosa, the owner, prepared a lovely meal for us. We then returned the hotel (Hotel Palacio Real) and the students grabbed their backpack with sunglasses, sunscreen, water bottle, and some money of course, and headed to the center of town to begin their funtastic day exploring Guaranda and buying some last souvenirs. In the meantime, the other Global Glimpse Leader, Jeromie Whalen, went shopping for our supplies for the Community Action Project (CAP) which starts tomorrow. Around 1:45, we all met at the hotel and went to La Estancia for lunch. Afterwards, we returned to the hotel where the students began to develop their lesson plan for their English tutoring.
At 3:45 we all headed to the School Verbo Divino where the tutoring took place. Observing the students teaching these young adults how to speak and write English was the greatest highlight of the day. They used their creativity and imagination to engage their students in a way that would make you, parents/guardians proud. Upon returning to the hotel the students, beaming with well-deserved joy and pride, attended a seminar which gave them a chance to write thank-you letters to Global Glimpse’s supporters describing what they are doing in Ecuador, what they are learning, the most memorable part of the trip so far, and the impact this trip has on them and their future. At 6:25pm, we walked to La Estancia for a succulent dinner. After dinner, we returned to the hotel and began our nightly meeting during which the students reflect on their accomplishments for the day, past on the torch to the next Lider del Dia, and give Big Love to one other. Finally, finishing off with our regular nightly meeting and free time, the students were instructed to go to their room for bedtime and lights out.
Today was a very positive and great day for our Western Mass delegation in terms of the students’ accomplishments. I am particularly proud of the energy and excitement everyone had during this second free day, the English Tutoring prep, and the CAP planning. Such energy and excitement show us how they truly appreciate the opportunities of this trip. I am honored to be associated with such a great group of young adults.
Jean-Claude Gerlus
Global Glimpse Leader
Hearing the adventures in life learning of this group makes me delighted for them. They will carry it always.
Thank you for your lovely summary of the day, Jean Claude.
Every piece I have read, whether written by the Global Glimpsers and/or GG staff, has been so thoughtful, well written, positive and enjoyably educational! Amazing professional-level photography too, Jeromie! So grateful for your work.
Overall, a HUGE thank you, from this parent, to everyone involved in making the GG experience possible, wonderful, and I am sure, life-changing for all of these “rising seniors”!
JC!!!! Hola! I absolutely LOVE this photo of you, it truly expresses your energetic and passionate personality!!! The glimpsers are lucky to have you and Jeromie as their GGLs!!
Beautiful post, Jean Claude. I am so happy to see this group learning, thriving, and growing together. I am so incredibly proud of the Western Mass program we are building together!