Today was culture day for us glimpsers in Matagalpa. We got up bright and early, strapped on our dancing shoes and headed over to the high school  (I.N.E.P.) for our dance lesson with profe Abdul. The girls taught us how to Salsa, Cha Cha Cha and Son Marimba… We also got to share a traditional American dance, “Jump on it”. It was so fun to learn and share with the girls from Nica. Later in the day, Las Mujeres del Plomo came and taught us how to make jewelry with plant seeds. Even though we were tired, we could not resist buying and making beautiful Nicaraguense jewelry. We had a late dinner tonight, because we went out to the cultural center where we ate traditional matas tamales and watched a live band. They played two acoustic guitars, an electric bass, and el cajon. For a special treat they brought out an indigenous flute to accompany the more traditional instruments. Our question of the day asked what art and music and dance contribute to a culture. Today we learned about the dance of the farmer, and the dance that imitates the mating dance of native birds. We learned about the traditional style of Nicaraguan jewelry mixed with the native seeds and knots. Culture is all about the past present and future of the nation. Every aspect of a place contributes to a culture, and the Nicaraguan culture is amazing; so amazing that some of us don’t even want to come back or call home we are having so much fun. 😉







