Hello there fellow blog readers!

We say hi once again from Nicaragua, wanting to tell you all about our exciting day. Today we woke up bright and early at 6 am to prepare for waking the group up at 7 because we’re such great leaders… After waking everyone up we all went to breakfast where we talked about the things that needed to be done that day for the CAP project. After getting more supplies we jumped in the bus and headed for Palo de Lapa. When we arrived at the community it was amazing to see the progress we made so far but it was clear there was a lot of work to be done in a small amount of time. We all started our hard work for the day by painting walls with the help the children and adults of the community.

The gardening group finished up with their project and the hardest part of it was painting the signs used to indicate which plants were which lol. Not only did they complete a new garden for the community but also constructed a fence for their old garden, and planted seeds and trees around the space. (Sorry if we did not give you enough credit, we weren’t in this group.)


As the day went on, difficulties arose. The time was precious and paint was scarce. The painting group found clever solutions by watering down the paint and using every last drop. With the help of all the glimpsers we were able to cover the walls with fresh new paint on all the necessary parts. In the end we were able to write paint some quotes given to us by the professors. These quotes were chosen to inspire the children to be motivated and to further their education.


To celebrate our wonderful accomplishments we ended this project by giving school supplies and the leftover money for the community to use as resources for their new and improved school. In return for all of our hard work as a group, the community leader and professor thanked us by giving us large baskets of fruit that they grew in their community. After all this we presented the children with a pinata that was demolished in about three swings lol.


To end this day we took 30 minutes to let 19 people shower within 4 minutes each which some people could not achieve (ahum me… which was gross) to go to a poetry cafe. Where we didn’t actually hear poetry but instead a speech about the Nicaraguan revolution and a really great Nicaraguan local band. This led to Farida´s amazing musical talent which was put in front of all of us at the very end to which everyone sang to.

Today was another great day leading to our final weekend in Nicaragua. We miss you loved ones and cant wait to see you soon!