Today, we had the honor and privilege of partnering with nine host families in Guanito. Students were able to help out with household chores, eat native fruits and discover their way of life while living on under $2 per day. The families and glimpsers all came together in the community center where they shared a meal and played ball and jumprope with the local youth.

This day was special to me because I am Dominican myself and I have experienced this firsthand. From my perspective, it was heartwarming and amazing to see the other glimpsers better understand these living conditions and yet still treat them with the respect all humans deserve.

To maintain the theme of living like a local all glimpsers were without running water and electricity for 24 hours. We were able to use flashlights and had a bucket of water to wash up and use the restroom. This was a challenge, especially without the fan in the heat, but all survived and have a new appreciation for the amenities they once took for granted.

Upon returning to Onaney, we participated in two seminars to prepare ourselves for our upcoming English tutoring and to better understand the Leader of the Day responsibilities. All glimpsers will have the opportunity to be a leader or co-leader of the day on this trip.