Hola familias!

Today I was leader of the day for our Living Like A Local Day! We had such a wonderful day today in Santo Domingo De Las Tablas. We all woke up at 7:30 and after breakfast we bussed over to the neighboring town of Santo Domingo. There, we were divided into four separate groups to go and visit families after a tour around the town. We all had a great time talking with the families and our bilingual students helped translate. After our sweet home visits, we all ate traditional sancocho together with each family at one of the family’s houses. Then some of the musicians sang for us and we walked around the town parade-style singing and dancing!

Finally we went back to the hotel and all sat down together to learn about and discuss consumerism and its impact on our environment. We connected this back to our experiences as we learned what it was like to live in a small town and how it was different from our city lifestyles. We hope you guys are having as much fun as us!
